1Jako fotograf współpracuję z profesjonalnymi wizażystami (od €30 za stylizacje), ale jeśli wolisz możesz zrobić make up samodzielnie lub wynająć profesjonalnego wizażystę na własną rękę. Dobrym sposobem poszukiwania specjalisty jest zamieszczenie ogłoszenia na tematycznym Blogu, tematycznej stronie na Facebook np. Dublin Models, itp.
Jeśli potrafisz zrobić make up samodzielnie, pamiętaj aby nałożyć naturalny odcień podkładu i pudru dobrany do tonu twojej skóry. Miej pewność, że zamaskowałaś wszystkie defekty oraz pamiętaj aby delikatnie pomalować brwi a twoje rzęsy nie mogą się sklejać ze sobą. To bardzo istotne aby przynieść niezbędne kosmetyki oraz pomadkę nawilżającą do ust na sesje.
2Przejrzyj drukowane oraz internetowe magazyny mody i znajdź pozy które Ci się podobają. Jeśli znajdziesz jakieś idee w drukowanym magazynie, zrób zdjęcie swoim kompaktowym aparatem lub telefonem komórkowym. Następnie wszystkie zdjęcia z aparatu lub telefonu komórkowego przenieś do komputera. Jeśli znajdziesz jakieś idee na stronach internetowych, które zwrócą twoja uwagę, zapisz je na swoim pulpicie w komputerze. Było by miło gdybyś podzieliła się wszystkimi ideami ze mną i wysyłała je kilka dni przed sesją fotograficzną na mój e-mail lub przez Facebook.
Practice in front of a mirror. When practicing, take a several pictures by your compact camera or smartphone and ask for someone to give their opinion about it.
3Ideally, you should pick at least three looks and they should demonstrate a wide variety |jeans, t-shirt, dress, sport outfit, lingerie, suit, fur, coat, costume (ballet)|
During photo shoot important role plays accessories, such as: earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, scarf, shawl, scarf, headband, hat, handbag, watch, etc. The jewelry should compatible with selected styling.
Your clothes should be free of any logos!. Remember to discuss wardrobe an accessories with me before the photo shoot.
4Keep your hair, skin and nails in good condition in the run up to the shoot. If you need a manicure or hair cut, it should be done a week or so before the shoot date. Come hair-ready and bring a brush, comb, etc for touching up during the photo shoot.
Hair professional is recommended for best results and are available for an additional cost (€30 per h).
Note that your face is the primary subject, therefore your nails should be a natural color (nude, french, light-pink, etc.).
5Once you have decided what clothes to wear, make sure they are clean and have them ready at least 3 days before the photo shoot.
All you intend to wear should be laid out and ironed the night before. Wrinkle-free clothing will help make your image much more professional.
Be sure all clothes are lint and hair free
648 hours before the shoot, call to me at +353851331703 and make-up artist to make sure everything is still OK. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Also, you can contact with me by Skype (photographer_dublin) or.
7The day before the shoot, make sure you get a good night’s sleep and stay away from alcohol.
Be sure to eat something before you leave for your session so you’re not hungry during the photo shoot.
Please stay away from chocolate or colored items/drinks, etc. You wouldn’t want to color the lips, tongue, and teeth…
PC PHOTO studio provides bottled water and crackers during the session.
8On the morning of the shoot, double check that your bag is packed and that you have all accessories, clothes, shoes, brush, cosmetics, mobile and wallet.
Aim to arrive 10 minutes before you are due (and make sure that time has accounted for applying makeup!).
Photography Studio is specially prepared for your shoot, so it’s important to give me a call if you realize you might be late.
9All your ideas sent to me by email are printed on paper, we work with them during the photo shoot.
Also, in The PC PHOTO Studio are located many printed fashion magazines to our disposal.
In first step we will discuss what sort of looks you want to go for and after this, you will have your make-up applied.
Enjoy your photo shoot!
Please listening me carefully and don’t be nervous too much …even models who have been working for years upon years get nervous…
In the course of taking the photos, I will use my experience to guide you every step of the way to get the best results.
11If you like to do good first impression on model agency don’t forget order prints of your pictures and buy a folder to put your photos in.
PC PHOTO guarantees the highest quality of print on high quality paper, printed on calibrated professional photo printer.
Tip: Sort out your portfolio in to the order which best presents you as you want to be presented as a model. Remember that less is more – if you only find 5 magical shots, use these and stop. That’s far better than using 25 which are just “ok”.
NOTE: Remember to keep updating your portfolio as you begin to work as a model. Don’t just stop at a few photos, keep doing more if you are able to. Upgrade your portfolio and add more too it.
For Men, all facial hair should be groomed. If you wish to have a few 'rough’ shots and then shave to include a few shots with a smoother look, please bring your shaving kit and mention this to the photographer before the photo shoot.
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